
Often it is colleagues who become the first to know that something isn’t quite right. It can be difficult to put a name on it if you aren’t aware of what constitutes domestic abuse or some of the common attitudes / beliefs that underpin harmful behaviours.

If your company wants to take a proactive approach to this subject then supporting all employees to understand it can help break down barriers and anxieties which inhibit people from reaching out for support.

A workplace culture that understands domestic abuse can help safeguard individuals and encourage those worried they may be using harmful behaviour to get support. 

We will facilitate conversations and exercises that look at:

-          What domestic abuse is

-          What’s the difference between relationship conflict and abuse?

-          What are the impacts / statistics. Why should we care?

-          What are the warning signs that someone may be using abusive behaviour?

-          Why do people use abusive behaviour?

-          What can I say to support someone using harmful behaviour?

This is about engaging people in the subject matter, not about lecturing. Despite the nature of the subject matter we aim to create a relaxed atmosphere where there is no such thing as a silly question. We encourage curiosity and discussion e.g if this was your colleague or friend you were worried about, what would you say or do? What would help? What wouldn’t?

Our workshop is for all employees. We recommend that while all employees should be encouraged to attend, it should not be a mandatory requirement as we try to limit the potential for re-traumatisation for those who may have experienced abuse previously.

As ever, please do contact us should you require further information and would like more information.

It is highly recommended that a DA Policy Review and HR / Management Training have taken place prior to booking this workshop.